Friday, July 3, 2015

Yoga weekend to welcome Spring

My sister Johanna and I are going to be holding a yoga weekend together in early September.
It will be wonderful to have Jo joining me this time. She has just finished studying yoga at Sukha Mukha in Bronte, knows all about permaculture through Milkwood and creativity through Shillington College . We have had lots of discussions about how these are all related to yoga in many ways. Which shouldn't be surprising as yoga is really just a reflection of life!

As you may also be aware Jo has just launched Make Do Co. This is her platform to bring her various interests together.  Have a read of the articles and listen to the interviews.

Over the weekend Jo and I will alternate teaching the yoga classes. They will be on Friday morning and evening, Saturday morning and evening and Sunday morning. The classes will be open hatha suitable for everyone. As it will be the start of Spring the yoga asanas will be tailored to this time of year, however we are also going to be exploring the chakras in a little more detail.

Dinner on the Friday night will be a take home meal. It will be a nourishing vegetarian 'bowl' meal. You can order another meal to take home for family too if you wish.

Dinner on Saturday night will be more of an affair! We will host you all at our beach house, serving up a three course homemade vegetarian meal. It will be wholefood and balanced but a celebratory feast!

And the fun part! Saturday evening will also include a talk/discussion by Jo. The topic will be based around living to your values. Starting with key values and purpose, and will work out to what this looks like 'tactically'. We will look towards yoga, spirituality, permaculture and Ayurveda. It will be relevant to everyone - individuals, businesses and families.

"We so often hear that we can Do anything! Be everything! but what does that really mean? And is this really something we want?

As part of our Spring yoga retreat we will be considering the idea of what it means to live to your values. How can we reconnect to our core values and design a life that meets our deeper needs? We'll be looking at the many suggestions in yoga and other philosophies, as well as considering how to achieve this practically. There is no pressure to partake - simply sit and listen, or jump in on the discussion when you feel ready. You will leave with new ideas to consider, and possibly some action points to make life sweeter, easier, and more fulfilling."

You will be able to take part in the chat as little or as much as you like - it will really just be a more deep and reflective dinner party conversation! However you are sure to leave with lots of new things to consider.

We are going to leave breakfasts for everyone to do as you please. There are lots of great cafes in Yamba to get a healthy fresh breaky, or stock up at the deli and make it yourself.

Dates: Friday 4th September - Sunday 6th September 2015
Venue: The Old Kirk at the Yamba Museum (yoga classes) and 26 Queen Street Yamba (for the Saturday evening meal)
Cost: $270 per person
Please contact me if you'd like to come.