Friday, December 17, 2010

Yoga Jam with Lighten Up Yoga

Our December three day Yoga Jam workshop went really well!

It was great for everyone to be taking the classes one after the other, as we could really work on each of the postures.

The Ryoho element to the workshop was great for stability and building core strength. During summer, Ryoho yoga teaches that we work on the heart meridian. This was great to incorporate with the idea of the Anahata chakra (associated with emotions, relationships, compassion and loving deeply) located in the heart centre, which is taught in hatha yoga. We worked on postures that open the heart, such as setu-bandasana (bridge) and urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow).

A major focus for this workshop was the idea of lengthening the lower back by working the tail bone towards the feet, helping to protect the lower spine.
Another thought was keeping the belly soft, or breathing into the belly. So we didn't actively engage our core strength, although it was engaged by postures we were holding.

On the Friday night we put all the postures together in a flow sequence. This time there was less talking about alignment and more of an opportunity to notice the body, the breath and a more meditative class.

Alicia and I are planning another one in January. Details to come soon.
Let me know if you'd like more information.