Friday, August 12, 2011

Flat bread

I made flat bread to serve with hummus at my two yoga weekends in July. I had a few requests for my recipes so here's the first.

These are very easy to make and hard to get wrong. It's so nice to cook from scratch; make them with a friend so you can have a good chat while you knead, and you'll have a nice big batch for storage!

Flat bread
1 cup organic wholemeal flour
2 tablespoons of olive oil (I sometimes use sesame oil)
Sea salt or celtic salt
Warm water
Sea salt and seeds, herbs and spices for sprinkling

Combine the flour and salt in a bowl. Add oil and mix well with your hands for about 5 minutes until it resembles bread crumbs. Slowly add the warm water, mixing well in between until it's nice and squishy. Then knead the dough for around 15 minutes or as long as possible.

This is good strengthening for your wrists, and quite therapeutic!

Break off a small amount of dough and roll out until it's flat. Use extra flour or water as required.

Next sprinkle with sea salt and your choice of seeds, herbs or spices. Some options are caraway seeds, black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, za'tar, dukkah, nigella seeds to name a few. I use the rolling pin to press them down so they stick.

Bake in the oven at 200C for around 15 minutes or until golden and parts of the bread puff slightly.
You can store these in an air tight container for some time.