Image from befairbefunky
How gorgeous it this yoga platform!?
Navasana or the boat posture strengthens the core, hip flexors and the spine.
Some points to remember: To perform Navasana, you want to feel as if you are sitting just at the edge of the sit bones, towards the tail bone. Focus on lifting and opening the chest and heart.
Extend the spine, feeling that you are creating space in between your ribs. Check that you aren't hunching the shoulders, or holding your breath. If you are, take a more gentle variation until you develop strength. Many people feel Navasana in their core. While it definitely is core strengthening, it is also very strong on your deep hip flexors. Think about this while in the posture - by grounding the the thigh bones and pelvis and lift and lengthen away from this anchor.
The abdomen will engage due to the position your body is in, but see if you can breathe into the belly rather than hardening it.
As you come out of the posture, roll back to your sit bones and hug the knees towards the chest. Allow the belly to soften and notice the warmth spread from the centre of your body.
Variations: Keeping the knees bent is an easier variation. If this is still too strong, keep the toes lightly touching the floor but continue to lean back slightly towards the tail bone.
For a stronger posture, take ardha navasana by leaning back further, so you are now sitting more towards the sacrum (however make sure your back is still off the floor) and lower your legs a little. As with any yoga posture, make sure you don't compensate a part of your body simply to feel you are taking a more advanced posture.