Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Winter solstice

Image sourced from Pinterest

Tomorrow is the Winter solstice. This is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. For some people, the decreased sunshine means feeling a little flat with less energy. However, others relish this time of year to hibernate and settle in for winter. 

The Winter solstice is usually associated with Kapha as it is dark, damp and heavy feeling. 
If you feel heavy and drained of energy, you may find that performing Suyra Namaskara (sun salutations) in the morning energises you for the day. As you move through the salutes, you create a gentle warmth in your body and allow prana to flow. Start with a few slow, mindful salutes until you feel the warmth spread.

We are often a little more introverted and fragile at this time of year. However instead of focusing on the lack of sunshine and your lack of energy, use Winter as a time to turn inward and reflect. Don't fight these feelings - view them lightly as a normal part of the season. 

Look after your body with Abhyanga, which is self massage with warm oil. Eat warming Winter foods and get plenty of sleep (come and learn about Winter food with me!).

Appreciating the Winter solstice is another way to connect with the seasons, nature and your environment.