Here is a simple short meditation for you.
I use this in Savasana in my yoga classes I teach.
If you can, lie down on the floor in Savasana, or take a comfortable cross leg position. Close your eyes.
Start at your feet and toes. Observe the feeling of the toes, and allow them to relax and soften.
Work up to your ankles, shins, knees and thighs. Notice the weight of the lower body completely supported by the floor. Always thinking about letting go, softening, relaxing.
Move your awareness up your body towards your lower back. Let go of your belly, up your torso to your ribs, shoulder blades and collarbones. Spend some time softening the heart.
You get the idea!
Notice that your fingers, arms and hands are heavy.
When you reach your head, spend a little more time on softening your face and focus on tiny areas to let go of. Particularly the eyes. Soften your jaw and the tongue. Image the teeth softening in the gums.
Once again, imagine that the whole body is supported by the earth.
Now that the body is relaxed, notice your breath moving in and out your nose.
Say to yourself 'let' on the inhale, and 'go' on the exhale.
Put meaning into the words, thinking about the body surrendering to the floor on each exhale.
You are letting go physically of your body, mentally or your thoughts and emotionally of your feelings. Every aspect of you is supported.
Use 'Let' 'Go' as your mantra. Repeat this for as long as you'd like.
If you can't make time to lie down or sit in meditation, you can almost do this anywhere. In bed before you rise, or before you sleep. Sitting in a chair before eating breakfast, on the bus, at your desk, while you wait at traffic lights.
It doesn't have to be for very long. It's doing it at all that is important. Even if it's for 5 breaths.
The more often you meditate, the more quickly and easily your body will respond and enter a more mindful state.
Have a wonderful week.