Friday, March 1, 2013

Autumn yoga weekend

It seems amazing that it is almost time for an Autumn yoga weekend again.

As the air starts to become drier (although who knows with the way the weather has been!) and cooler, so may our bodies and our temperament. The leaves on trees start to lose their 'juiciness' and start to become brittle. You may notice that this is how you feel physically too, with drier skin and hair. Sometimes this time of year you feel a little frazzled and scattered. These are all examples of excess vata.

Our morning practice will include flowing sun salutations to warm up our bodies, but we will place an emphasis on grounding postures such as the warrior postures which a strong and stable.

During Autumn we move away from raw foods. Salad vegetables are mostly in season during summer - which is when the sun is stronger and so is our digestive fire. This is when we can more easily digest raw food. Raw foods can be too 'vata' for some people during Autumn. They can make us feel bloated and uncomfortable. If you eat legumes during this time, be sure to soak them overnight before cooking.
Our meals will contain vegetables which are also grounding. Pumpkin, sweet potato and carrots all grow down into the earth. Perfect for when our aim is to be more grounded! We will also eat plenty of high quality oils - in particular ghee.

Once again, the idea is a 'yoga weekend' or a mini holiday. It is a chance for you to have a break from cooking, be served nourishing meals and of course time to practice yoga to keep your body and mind in balance.

The classes and meals will take place in the Yamba Surf Life Saving Club on Main Beach, Yamba. If you are visiting Yamba I can give suggestions of places to stay.

The class times are:

Friday 6pm followed by dinner
Saturday 6am followed by breakfast
Saturday 6pm followed by dinner
Sunday 6am followed by breakfast

The cost is $140 per person.

Please contact me if you would like to come.